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Leadership Tip: Fail More, Fail Better, Fail Faster Almost all leaders try to avoid failure. Or should I say, all but the best leaders try to avoid failure. The best leaders I have coached shared a different approach. They act on the leadership tip: Fail More, Fail Better, Fail Faster. Surely that is the worst […]
Continue Reading...8 Deadly Sins of Leadership
- 24
- May
- 2016
- Posted byadmin
- inPsyPerform - Leadership Coaching
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8 Deadly Sins of Leadership You probably recall that there were 7 deadly sins. And you would be right, traditionally. Our modern day 7 were abbreviated from the Greek 8. If you know the 8 deadly sins of leadership and how to avoid them you can improve your leadership in one of the easiest ways […]
Continue Reading...What is Coaching?
- 20
- May
- 2016
- Posted byadmin
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What is Coaching? It is a question most people don’t feel the need to ask. Why? Because they have a definition in their head, and assume that everyone shares the same definition. Cough… cough… we know what assumptions make of us. That can have undesired consequences. To be avoid being the proverbial ass, let’s ask: […]
Continue Reading...The Leadership Tool You Ignore At Your Peril
- 19
- May
- 2016
- Posted byadmin
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The Leadership Tool You Ignore At Your Peril There is a force so powerful that if you harness it you can achieve more as a leader in a few months than others can in a life-time. What is that power? Culture! Culture is the leadership tool you ignore at your peril. The Power of Culture […]
Continue Reading...Coaching: Have you outgrown GROW?
- 16
- May
- 2016

Coaching: Have you outgrown GROW? “In the beginning there was darkness, then there was the GROW model. And all thought GROW was light, and when real light emerged some saw that GROW was darkness.” Let’s not pull any punches; health warning: this a polemic article. Those who are using GROW, whatever they are doing is […]
Continue Reading...10 Compelling Reasons to Stay in the EU
- 13
- May
- 2016
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10 Compelling Reasons to Stay EU Referendum With the UK wide EU referendum vote on staying in or leaving the EU imminent, you may want to start considering some of the issues, however you choose to vote. Here are my top 10 compelling reasons to stay in the EU. 1. Quoting Churchill: To jaw-jaw is […]
Continue Reading...How Negativitaurs Destroy Companies
- 12
- May
- 2016
How Negativitaurs Destroy Companies You may not have heard of this form of human toxin, but you have certainly experienced them, and seen the damage they do across the globe. You have definitely suffered at their hands. To understand how negativitaurs destroy organisations, and the chances are that one or more of them are destroying […]
Continue Reading...STOP Wasting Time and Money in Meetings
- 10
- May
- 2016
- Posted byadmin
- inPsyPerform - Leadership Coaching
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STOP Wasting Time and Money in Meetings Typical managers spend between 50% and 95% of their time in meetings. You know, from experience, how little of that time is productive. The question, if you are serious about achieving great results, is: how can you stop wasting time and money in meetings? Have you experienced this? […]
Continue Reading...STOP Wasting Money on Appraisals
- 06
- May
- 2016
- Posted byadmin
- inPsyPerform - Leadership Coaching
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STOP Wasting Money on Appraisals. Appraisals: you’ve seen it, you’ve experienced it, you’ve lamented it: the yearly farce that is mockingly called “the annual appraisal.” If it wasn’t so sad, and so wasteful, it would be funny. The idea of assessing someone’s performance once a year is simply farcical. Would you assess the progress on […]
Continue Reading...The Mindsets of Performance and Happiness
- 03
- May
- 2016

The Mindsets of Performance and Happiness What could you achieve if you understood and had mastered the mindsets of performance and happiness? Could you be happier? Yes. Could you achieve more, with less effort? Yes. Would your life be better all round? Yes. Most people go through their lives searching for the secret of happiness […]
Continue Reading...Leadership Coaching Tips FREE

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