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i Shrink: Be your own best therapist

i Shrink: Be your own best therapist

Here is a statement that some mental health workers do not want to hear, for self-interested reasons:

Each of us is our own best therapist.

How can that be so? How can people with no training be better, or at least as effective as, PhD educated professionals? That seems impossible, until an examination of the facts.

How effective are professionals?

They have a failure rate of around 70%. That’s right, psychotherapy, overall has a massive failure rate.

Yes, that means around 30-33% of the time psychotherapy is successful. Great news if you are the one in three.

When therapy is successful, which factors account for the success?

A remarkably small number of factors. In fact, based on my own research, only nine factors. Nine factors which draw on skills that every fully functioning adult possesses. How, why do most adults possess the skills behind those nine common factors?

They are the skills that we have each developed in a lifetime of mutually nurturing relationships.

If it were true that most adults possess the skills on which the nine common factors draw, what would we expect to find?

We would expect to find as many people get better by speaking to their friends as when paying professionals, and that is exactly the case.

Yes, as many people have successfully therapeutic experiences over a coffee and chat with friends as with paid professionals.

The next logical questions is: what works?

What is it that helps people get better whether they paid for the help, or had a cup of coffee with a friend?

A vast array of options help, but none have any lasting effect until one magic moment is reached.

What is that magic moment?

The moment the person reaches the point of self-responsibility. From then on, just about anything reasonable works.

If that is true, and in my experience, it is absolutely true, the next reasonable question is:

How can people reach the point of self-responsibility? How can people reach self-responsibility quickly, consistently, reliably?

‘i Shrink’ delivers on those massive questions, and more, much more.


iShrink front coverWe need ‘i Shrink’ now.

Mental health problems have mushroomed since the Covid-19 lock-down, and those problems will be around for a long time. Most people can’t afford to see a therapist.

Even more have problems that are not severe enough to trigger health service provision. Almost everyone with slight mental imbalance problems falls in to one or both of those categories. 25% of people in any normal year suffer mental health problems, that figure is substantially higher now.

Most people can and do get better by self-therapy and co-therapy (a mutually therapeutic relationship with a friend or confidant).

‘i Shrink’ is designed to help you be your own best therapist, and be a more effective therapist in a co-therapy relationship with friends and relatives.

Dr Nigel MacLennan  has published a large number of books, each of which has made advances at the cutting-edge of an aspect of human performance, as does ‘i Shrink.’

Nigel has been visiting Professor at two universities: International University of Monaco, and London Metropolitan University. He founded and runs PsyPerform.com a consultancy making advances at the cutting-edge of the field of leadership coaching. Details of his psychotherapeutic work can be found at www.drnigelmaclennan.uk where you can also find useful resources on the most common problems addressed in psychotherapy.

Here are two questions for you?

  1. Should ‘i Shrink’ be made available on Kindle and other similar formats, or, should it be made it available only to clients? Currently, it is available only to clients. If there is enough support, it will be published for anyone who wishes it in e-book format.
  2. If ‘i Shrink’ is published as an e-book, what would be the appropriate price?

You can send your reply in the contact section of this site: http://psyperform.com/contact/

Thanks for your help.

Copyright 2020 Dr Nigel MacLennan