Author Archives: admin

Basket-case boards

Basket-case boards: you probably know many on the long list of organisations that have failed, or found themselves at the centre of scandal, because, in part, they appeared to have “basket-case boards.” Here are just a few “problemed organisations” from the private and the charity sector: Enron, Arthur Anderson, Woolworth, Blockbuster, Borders, Oxfam, Save the […]

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Coachable or uncoachable?

Coachable or uncoachable? Are some people coachable and others uncoachable? Does the same apply to organisations? Since I published “Coaching and Mentoring,” Gower, in 1995, almost every manager has heard of coaching. Many have been trained, to various levels, in the techniques of coaching. If you have any experience of coaching, you will have noticed […]

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Leadership – a poem to provoke thought

Leadership – a poem to provoke thought. If you are a leader or aspire to be one, you might enjoy this poem. ‘Leadership’ is written to share the realities of leadership. The perceptions vs the realities. The fact vs the fantasy. If you have led for a substantial period you will recognise yourself. Enjoy. Stay […]

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i Shrink: Be your own best therapist

i Shrink: Be your own best therapist Here is a statement that some mental health workers do not want to hear, for self-interested reasons: Each of us is our own best therapist. How can that be so? How can people with no training be better, or at least as effective as, PhD educated professionals? That […]

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Meeting Mastery

Meeting Mastery If you have ever wondered why some leaders get promotion after promotion, all the way to the top, this illustrated podcast reveals one of their advanced skills. Previously, if you were not lucky enough to work with such a leader, you had to suffer horrendously mismanaged meetings throughout your career. You may have […]

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Is this a psychotherapy breakthrough?

Is this a psychotherapy breakthrough? Have we, at last, acknowledged and named the elephant in the therapy room? If you provide any form of counselling or psychotherapy, in any setting, this mp4 is for you. To learn how to take the people you help to the point of self-responsibility, go to Copyright 2020 Dr […]

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Psychotherapy can harm clients

Psychotherapy can harm clients Psychotherapy can harm clients is a strong title, and as you will read, it is entirely justified. Over the decades I have seen many harmful psychotherapy practices, which, frankly, ought to be illegal. Here are some. Psychotherapy can harm clients: Creating Dependency We all know why many therapists create dependency; it […]

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Government waste: why they squander so much money

Government waste: why they squander so much money. Here is just one of the many reasons your tax pound and mine is being squandered, and will continue to be wasted. Imagine that you have developed a highly effective way in which governments and local authorities (GLAs)  can Save a huge amount of money Deliver a […]

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Meeting Mastery

How much is Meeting Mastery worth to you? If you are a typical executive you spend between 50% and 95% of your time in meetings. You know, from experience, how little of that time is productive. The question is, if you reached meeting mastery, if you could double your meeting productivity, and get that improvement […]

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Advanced coaching practice vs academic analysis

Coaching: the gulf between advanced coaching practice and academic analysis Why is the gulf between advanced coaching practice and academic analysis of coaching so vast? If you are an advanced coach, you may, like me read the academic journals and have this thought: “Have the people writing this paper ever done any coaching?” How can […]

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