Category Archives: Blog

Basket-case boards

Basket-case boards: you probably know many on the long list of organisations that have failed, or found themselves at the centre of scandal, because, in part, they appeared to have “basket-case boards.” Here are just a few “problemed organisations” from the private and the charity sector: Enron, Arthur Anderson, Woolworth, Blockbuster, Borders, Oxfam, Save the […]

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Coachable or uncoachable?

Coachable or uncoachable? Are some people coachable and others uncoachable? Does the same apply to organisations? Since I published “Coaching and Mentoring,” Gower, in 1995, almost every manager has heard of coaching. Many have been trained, to various levels, in the techniques of coaching. If you have any experience of coaching, you will have noticed […]

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Psychotherapy can harm clients

Psychotherapy can harm clients Psychotherapy can harm clients is a strong title, and as you will read, it is entirely justified. Over the decades I have seen many harmful psychotherapy practices, which, frankly, ought to be illegal. Here are some. Psychotherapy can harm clients: Creating Dependency We all know why many therapists create dependency; it […]

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Advanced coaching practice vs academic analysis

Coaching: the gulf between advanced coaching practice and academic analysis Why is the gulf between advanced coaching practice and academic analysis of coaching so vast? If you are an advanced coach, you may, like me read the academic journals and have this thought: “Have the people writing this paper ever done any coaching?” How can […]

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21 Leadership Mistakes to Avoid

21 Leadership Mistakes to Avoid 21 Leadership Mistakes to Avoid is a report based on the premise that we all make mistakes. In over 30 years as a leadership coach I have made many. Some have resulted in new learning that led to the creation of new models, tools and techniques that have helped many […]

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Inspirational vision; inspirational future

Inspirational vision; inspirational future. With yet another large company going down amid accusations of corruption, mismanagement and incompetence, we will, yet again, ask why.  Yes, again,  the same answers will be provided; yes, again they will be meet with universal agreement; yes, again, the day after tomorrow ‘business as usual’ will be resumed, and, yes, […]

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The creation mistaken

The creation mistaken. How can you get staff to generate vast numbers of ideas, systematically, and reliably, in real time, on demand? In response to that question many people make the mistake of thinking: “We can generate enough ideas. That’s not where the problem is. It’s in implementation.” Let’s pick that apart. Let’s examine… The […]

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Psychotherapy breakthrough?

Psychotherapy breakthrough ? Psychotherapy is hugely ineffective. Only around 30% of therapy clients improve as a result of therapy. If you have studied the placebo effect you will know that figure. To be clear: therapy is no more effective than a placebo. In fact, in many cases a placebo is more effective. Why is therapy […]

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Call time on L and D waste!

Call time on L and D waste 82%* of leaders say that their organisation does not have the talent to realise their strategy. If you can’t get the talent you need, here’s why: your HR/L and D department. They didn’t deliver last year, they didn’t deliver the year before; it’s time to accept that they […]

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Self-responsibility Therapy

Self-responsibility therapy – what is it? Why does it matter to you, as a leader? Why, despite the fact that there are more than 1000 different psychotherapies and counselling schools, do they all achieve the same results? If they were as different as they claim, you would expect wildly varying outcomes. Instead, you find that […]

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