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Psychotherapy breakthrough?

Psychotherapy breakthrough ?

Psychotherapy is hugely ineffective. Only around 30% of therapy clients improve as a result of therapy. If you have studied the placebo effect you will know that figure. To be clear: therapy is no more effective than a placebo. In fact, in many cases a placebo is more effective.

Why is therapy so ineffective? Here is my take: most types of therapy miss the one magic moment.

As a therapist,

Everything you do in therapy is wasted until you reach one point.

From then on just about anything you do works.

What is that one point?

The point of self-responsibility.

Is this a psychotherapy breakthrough?

To many people, helping clients by taking them to the point of self-responsibility seems an entirely obvious and necessary step, and thus is no breakthrough. Yet, it is not taught in therapy training.

So we have to ask again, why is most therapy so utterly ineffective? Because most psychotherapy schools completely miss the magic moment; they fail to encourage self-responsibility.

Indeed, many schools actively encourage the abdication of self-responsibility; blaming such factors as ‘societal structure’, ‘family constellation’, and a whole host of other factors that say: “There, there; it’s not your fault.”  Many other schools actively encourage a state of dependency in the client, lasting for years.

SRT (self-responsibility therapy) is about getting the client to the point of self-responsibility as quickly and as permanently as possible. How quickly? In just one session for most clients, two sessions in very few people, and three, almost never.

How is that possible? Is it really a psychotherapy breakthrough?

If you provide psychotherapy, or counselling, or help others to improve their lives or solve their problems, you can learn the techniques of SRT (self-responsibility therapy); you can learn how to take clients to the point of self-responsibility, quickly, and consistently.

Some who make their living from psychotherapy want to resist and avoid SRT; they fear that SRT will dramatically reduce their income. Actually, exactly the opposite is the case: because you can help clients more quickly, the reputational boost is huge with the obvious effect on referrals.  Alas, some resist change of any kind, even when it helps their clients..

SRT Cover 1 - Copy

When I have presented the SRT case to large numbers of therapists, who make their living from therapy, it will come as no surprise that those who have been most hostile to SRT (audio recording and written statements available) seem to be those who are most wedded to making their living from unendingly expensive modes of “therapy.”

By contrast, ethical therapists embrace SRT and ask intelligent questions such as: How do I get my clients to the point of self-responsibility, quickly and reliably? What impact does it have on referrals when you can help people so much more quickly? How do you use SRT with this or that type of client? Can have I have a licence to teach this? (Yes, after completing the Certification Course.)

If you genuinely want to help people then SRT may be the breakthrough you have been looking for.

You can learn about SRT on the SRT Certification programme, and a copy of the SRT book is provided as part of the course.

Go to  www.selfresponsibilitytherapy.com for free information on the SRT Certification Course. The book SRT: Self-responsibility Therapy by Nigel MacLennan is available ONLY to people who complete the SRT Certification Course.

We will send you relevant information about the 2-day SRT Certification Course. For anything else that you wish to discuss you can contact Psyperform here:   www.psyperform.com/contact