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The creation mistaken

The creation mistaken.

How can you get staff to generate vast numbers of ideas, systematically, and reliably, in real time, on demand?

In response to that question many people make the mistake of thinking: “We can generate enough ideas. That’s not where the problem is. It’s in implementation.”

Let’s pick that apart. Let’s examine…

The reasoning flaws of the creation mistaken.

First, all ideas have implementation problems, ALL!

Secondly, all companies have problems implementing ideas, ALL! It is the nature of innovation.

Thirdly, if there is a full pipeline of ideas, the usual problems with implementation wouldn’t matter, because there would be enough ideas driving through the pipeline to force more implementation skill development Why? The staff would see the same implementation problems over and over again, and figure out how to solve them.

When people in a company say the problem is with implementation; that tells the world that there are not enough ideas being generated by that company for them to have learned how to solve the implementation problems.

ONLYCreate Cover New 2(2) - Copy if you have a full pipeline of ideas can you ensure that you have more than sufficient new systems, new products, new services… to stay ahead of the competition.

How do you judge if your pipeline is full? If you are consistently ahead of your competition, if you are spoiled for choice for ways to add more value than your competition, your pipeline is full. Otherwise, you are headed in the other direction, and lack of innovation eventually causes liquidation.

If your pipeline is not full your company needs to equip staff to generate vast numbers of ideas, systematically, and reliably, in real time, on demand.

Original techniques to do exactly that, and to solve the usual implementation problems are in CREATE! Along with a huge number of other effective methods to make innovation part of your culture, and a large number of the reasoning errors made by the creation mistaken.

If you would like to receive a free sample from CREATE! Send your request to  www.psyperform.com/contact

If you aleady know that you need to equip staff with the skills to generate vast numbers of ideas, systematically, and reliably, in real time, on demand, and want a live demonstration of the methods, either by phone, Skype or in your office, contact Psyperform here  www.psyperform.com/contact