“Prof Mac’s Motivational Moments”
- 28
- Jun
- 2018
You are uniquely gifted! “I wish!” is how many people respond to that assertion. Should such an apparently Pollyanna statement be dismissed as motivational drivel or does it have at least some truth? How many people have your precise experiences? At best, a few. How many of them have your skills? Your knowledge? An even […]
Continue Reading...“Prof Mac’s Motivational Moments”
- 22
- Jun
- 2018
If your future is dependent on your level of motivation? This is for you. Purpose “possibilises” progress! You may have heard the phrase, “without purpose people perish.” It’s true. Long before they perish this happens: without purpose people piddle away their time. Time is the only thing we have that cannot be replaced and is […]
Continue Reading...No vision, no future
- 18
- Jan
- 2018

No vision, no future. With yet another large company going down amid accusations of corruption, mismanagement and incompetence, we will, yet again, ask why. And yes, again, the same answers will be provided, and yes, again they will be meet with universal agreement, and yes, the day after tomorrow business as usual will be resumed. […]
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The 10 Commandments of Change, what are they, why do they matter to you? Here’s why: almost all change attempts fail, and fail expensively. You will have seen it over and over again in your career. A series of big announcements are made at corporate HQ, trumpets blare; a brave new world is about to […]
Continue Reading...Creativity and Innovation
- 19
- Oct
- 2017

Creativity and Innovation are much talked about, and much talked about, and much talked about… and little acted upon. You already know that almost all companies fail from lack of creativity and innovation. Yes, the official records will show that the company encountered “financial difficulties”. Financial difficulties are almost always the symptom that is mistaken […]
Continue Reading...The Mindset of Start Up Success
- 04
- Oct
- 2017

The Mindset of Start Up Success is a subject massively neglected by most would be entrepreneurs. Of all the factors that predict start up success such as: understanding the market, understanding customers, understanding how to market cost effectively to that specific market, cash flow management… the one that, it seems to me, most would be […]
Continue Reading...The Perfect Culture
- 16
- Sep
- 2016

The Perfect Culture There is huge gulf between the desire of leaders to create The Perfect Culture and the reality. As you may know around 85% of ALL culture change programmes fail, and fail expensively. Yet some leaders such failure is entirely avoidable: they have a 100% success record. All of their culture change programmes work, and work […]
Continue Reading...The Perfect Gift Audio
- 14
- Sep
- 2016

The Perfect Gift Audio The Mindset of Performance and Happiness The Perfect Gift audio allows you to understand the mindset of performance and happiness while you are on the move. If you learned about the mindset of performance and happiness, would you be happier? Yes. Would you achieve more, with less effort? Yes. Would your […]
Continue Reading...Motivation models don’t motivate
- 22
- Aug
- 2016

Motivation models don’t motivate! Motivation models don’t motivate. Business schools all over the world teach motivation models that simply don’t work in the real world. Yes, some elements work for some people, in the hands of some people, some of the time. If you are a manager or leader, some, some, some and some is […]
Continue Reading...Clients to Avoid.
- 20
- Jul
- 2016
Clients to Avoid. Every company should be choosing its clients. Here are some of the clients to avoid if you want your company to achieve at the highest level. Some of the prospects who contact you should not become clients. They are potential clients to avoid. In a world where everyone seems prepared to sell […]
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