Monthly Archives: March 2016

Psychometric tests: Stop wasting your company money

Psychometric tests: Stop wasting your company money on psychometric tests When challenged with the above facts many proponents of psychometric testing claim: “Of course, we don’t just use one test. We use many for greater accuracy.” Let’s examine that reasoning. If you use a test that has a predictive validity of 0.3 in conjunction with […]

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Writing Skills for Executives

Writing Skills for Executives Writing skills for executives, alongside personal presentation skills, are hugely important. The more senior your leadership responsibilities the more advanced your written communication skills are expected to be. Many a promising career has been derailed by poor written communication skills. And many have blossomed after the acquisition of skills to produce […]

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Leadership coaching

What can leadership coaching do for you as a leader? What more could you achieve if you mastered, or delegated leadership coaching to expert others? You could Get improved performance from your staff, on both an individual and team basis;Empower your key people them with a sense of ownership and commitment; And if you learned […]

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Leadership: are you an ASS?

Leadership: are you an ASS? Most people assume that emotional intelligence is the thing. Our title now makes sense – Leadership: are you an ASS? If you want to be an ASS, like most top leaders, contact PsyPerform. Prof Nigel MacLennan Copyright 2016 Dr Nigel MacLennan

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Leadership and followership

Leadership and followership. You will have read or heard that effective leadership comes from good followership. Like all theories, if there is any merit to it, it can stand up to the first round of scientific scrutiny. Does it? What can be learned? Testing leadership and followership theory Leadership and followership: real-life case histories Is […]

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Innovation Mindset

Innovation Mindset Innovation Mindset and innovation leadership: are there any skills more mentally based than those around innovation leadership? Very few. Is the mindset of innovation understood? Can anyone learn the skills of creativity and innovation? Can any leader the master innovation mindset and learn to lead innovation? On the first question: Yes, the mindset […]

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The Success Factors of Change Management

The Success Factors of Change Management What are ‘The Commandments’, the principles that must be followed? Encouragingly, there are only 10 Commandments of Change.   Understand and follow ‘The 10 Commandments of Change’ and your change management will be successful, every time it is possible. (Only available to coaching clients.) Breach any one of The […]

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Internal Communication

Solve your biggest and most expensive problem Around 80% of ALL your problems have one cause. That’s 4 out of every 5 problems you will deal with today, tomorrow, and forever, unless you act. What is it and how do you cut the massive costs it incurs? By Prof Nigel MacLennan  Just how large, pervasive […]

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Executive Coaching Skills

Executive Coaching Skills What makes a great leadership coach? What are the essential executive coaching skills that separate an adequate coach from a great? The impact of the truly special executive coach is felt, acutely. A good coach will inspire you with their greatness. A better coach will inspire you with your greatness. A great […]

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Creating Corporate Vision

Creating corporate vision – an essential skill for any leader. Make sure that your vision gives YOU a growing performance edge over your competitors. How? By learning the techniques (documented in ‘The Perfect Vision’ – available only to PsyPerform coaching clients) to fulfill, possibly, your most important leadership responsibility: creating corporate vision; aligning, uniting, empowering […]

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